Saturday, May 30, 2009

Modern Regret

Rehashing regrets
What does it get
But moments of pain
Relived again

Healthy reflection
Will guide projection
But wallowing in woes
No benefit shows

The modern life
With it's added strife
Is headed the way
Of yesterday

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friendly Leaves

In my hours of deepest pondering
When thoughts have turned to darkness wandering
  And hope has all but faded
I think of cold but gentle showers
Which feed the roots to bloom the flowers 
  And the leaves by which I'm shaded

So when the sun will burn too bright
The cool and moist of rainy nights
  Found stored in friendly plants
Then though the weather may be wild
Protected I might find it mild
  As under the boughs I'll dance

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Prayer for Civilization

Open the eyes of those who've closed them
Let them see the heavens and the sun
Starry skies full of glistening gems
Whose light might reach us in years to come

Protect all the children that are to be born
Let them experience a world without scorn

Give us all safe and reliable shelter
For when the rains pour or the sun rays swelter

Let our homes be more than just roofs overhead
With big dinner tables and warm cozy beds

Cover our fault lines with earthquake proof buildings 
So nothing will fall on the heads of our children

Smooth out the stairs at the universities
So everyone can access them more easily

Give us wisdom to percieve our surroundings
And courage to change them with voices resounding

And forgive us when we misstep or misspeak
But let us move closer to horizons we seek

At the end of the day let us look up and smile
Aware that our paths will continue a while

And let us never lose our faith
In ourselves and in a power that's greater

Let us experience true unity
Together we're stronger than alone we can be

Allow us to discover new ways to unite
New melodies as in harmony we sing
Let us learn and grow out in the sunlight
And dance in whatever the weather might bring

Friday, May 22, 2009

Grandfather Clock

Will today's children recognize "tick-toc"
Will they even associate it with clocks
Now that everything's electric

I still remember the sound of the chime
Telling all of my grandfather's house the time
And how his clock would tick

But now I go back to visit and find
That old clock sits in need of a wind
But no one takes the time

So silent in the corner it stands
Holding up it's motionless hands
A relic of days gone by

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Follow the Leader

I'm in front if I convince you I am
And you just must go where I lead you
You won't be prepared to see through my scam
Living on the scraps that I feed you

I'll water 'em down so they're easy to swallow
I don't want you thinking I'd make you
But soon you're dependant on someone to follow
Just don't question where I'll take you

I assure you you'll see that you and me
Will make such a like-minded couple
And I'll let you know just how you should be
So you won't go and cause any trouble

And while you're following me around
I might ask for your opinion
And then I'll decide which way we're bound
And you'll be such useful minion

Because I'm the leader if you follow me
And you don't try to compromise
And we'll be as happy as I can be
Or at least as I can devise


Waiting for words from the mouths of the dumb
Waiting for a day that's already come
But yet the crowd still lingers

If you don't try yourself you won't understand
You won't know the power you hold in your hand
If you never flex your fingers

For strength comes from the arm no more
Ever since the pen's mightier than the sword
It's all in how you say it

Be careful how your words are spelt
And with your hand and how it's dealt
So that it's safe to play it

Sunday, May 10, 2009


What to save and what to spend
Time and time and time again
Capital showing signs of growth 
While you and I wonder what we're worth

Oppression and depression are cause and effect
The same is true with greed and neglect
Indicators of a scope that's out of focus
But when blur's all you've known it's hard to notice

Manipulative monopolies and coercive cartels
Give out free information to promote what they sell
Until posters plaster every surface you see
And you're never quite sure just who you should be

See what face comes up when you flip a coin
Don't think about the disc on which they're joined
Does the subject or the object hold the value
Does illusion or reality guide you

What to save and what to spend
Time and time and time again
Capital showing signs of growth 
While you and I wonder what we're worth

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swiney Todd

Cures kepts secret
For profitable treatments
With every new disease 
Opportunities seize
Doublespeak directions
With constant corrections
Ignoring questions
As bad intentions
But what first intent
Was originally meant
Is it even remembered
Or so dismembered
By constant dissections 
And counter-objections
Making mince-meat pies
Covering the lies
In a palatable crust
Serving them with lust
To a hungry public
And if they get sick
They want treatment
Don't ask where the meat went
Or where the profits go
You don't want to know
Because if you do
It's a hair-cut for you
From an ardent barber
Sharpening his razor 
And readying his chair
For out of place hairs
To clean the appearance
With strict adhearance
To keep all things quiet
That would cause a riot
If made known
But time has shown
That well fed
Empty heads
Prefer regular feedings
To knowing what it is they're eating

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Pharmaceutical prisoners
Once envisioners
Made mind slaves
Of a grave fate
But too late learn
That what was earned
Seaking some status quo
That now it's all they know
Will they see their cell
Or is it too late to tell
The things missed
In doped up bliss
It's not the way
So turn around
Hear the sound of today

Saturday, May 2, 2009

As You Like It

"All the world's a stage" 
has a very different meaning 
to those who live on the stage 
than to those living in the world.

Those on stage think: 
"This is the world!" 
while those who live in the world think: 
"This is all staged..."